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Home » Articles » Dealing with Grumpy Editors – the book you need to make your press releases sing

Dealing with Grumpy Editors – the book you need to make your press releases sing

    Written by a former Sydney Morning Herald editor with decades of experience across every field – from travel to technology – Dealing with Grumpy Editors explains what does and doesn’t work when it comes to pitching story ideas and press releases to the media.

    It covers:

    • how to write press releases that will grab an editor’s interest
    • how to pitch stories
    • the danger of offering exclusives
    • the real reasons why some stories don’t make it to press
    • understanding what makes editors tick
    • what information editors and journos need from PR
    • what to do – and not do – when calling an editor
    • what should be on a PR’s and client’s website
    • how to handle media requests
    • interviews (and how to give good quotes)
    • PR damage control tips.

    Price: AUD$4.99 for the ebook and US$5.99 for the paperback

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